Dandandan Manga Overview
Dandandan is a comedy and supernatural thriller manga series developed by Yukinobu Tatsu (who worked with Chainsaw Man’s Tatsuki Fujimoto and Hell’s Paradise Jigokuraku’s Yuji Kaku). The plot is about two protagonist, a gyaru who uses psychokinetic power Momo Ayase. Ken Takakura aka Okarun, who is a fan of Occult. These two meet in the first part of the series and later on developed feeling for one other. One day, they go into a tunnel to meet a Yokai named Turbo Ganny. Turbo Granny wants to see Okarun’s balls and later on give him her powers. Later on come across, a group called Alien Serpo which goes after sex organs from human. The manga series has 17 volumes and it’s on going to this day. I felt in love with this series went the anime adaptation was announced in November 28, 2023.
In the course of the series, you will meet more characters like Momo’s grandmother Seiko Ayase. Who is a spirit medium but she looks in her 20s. Jin Enjoji akak Jiji who is Momo’s childhood and later on get possessed bty Evil Eye . Airi Shiratori who is a rival to Momo for Okarun affection. She later on get Acrobatic Silky’s power and transforms like Ken. Vamola, a sumerian alien who was a survivor of alien attack in her home planet. Along with many more characters as course of the story. After reading soem chapter of the manga, I can see this being a great hit for best seller. Okarun is willing to protect Momo from aliens and yokai becuase that’s first friend he made.
Although Momo Ayase is one of the best female character of the show. I love her character development in Jiji’s story arc. She is shines and willing to protect her friends went the time comes. I wonder what happen to her parents but I think they mention it. Anywho, I love the action and humor that Dandandan brings. Each chapter of the manga makes me want more and what is going on with our two protagonists. I have watch alot of Supernatural shows dealing with spirits like Yu Yu Hakusho, Jujustu Kaisen and Shaman King. This was a breath of fresh air for me and also got some adult humor in it. Right now Dandandan anime is 12 episodes because manga is still ongoing. I saw some spoilers of anime opening where Momo was dancing like Rihanna.
Creepy Nuts did the opening and might know them from Mashle Magic and Muscle Bling-Bong song. I couldn’t get that show out of my head. But I don’t want to spoilers what is going on with the manga right now. I caught up with the latest chapter and Dandandan might get season two because how popular it is. There is already cosplay, fanart (I like the crossover with Danny Phantom) and more to come. I highly recommned reading the manga. Also I am going to watch anime soon went all the episodes are released. That being said, thank for reading and I will be doing a podcast episodes about it next year. Buy Dandandan manga at Amazon, if season one is over to continue the story.