Launch of New website
Welcome to my new website and sorry I didn’t get WordPress from the get go. Well Its been hectic and very complicated building this website. Its been years since I use WordPress to build a site from scatch. I was a blogger before the Cov-19 Pandemic. It was not very successful at all and lost motivation to contine. But I will have to spark coming back again. My content creator journey is getting better for the last 7+ years. Now I am getting the habit on writing again , but not about video games. Its not about anime, gaming, movies and more. Also I will be doing some tips for small content creators but I am no expect on this topic. It just my overall experience of growing as a content creator. Well what is so new about this website than other.
Well this site will be more blog post but I do have a full time job. Also I am doing streaming and content creator from other platforms as well. Don’t worry, I will update you guys as we move to next year in 2025. I am still making a email list but got a contact one too. If you have any questions and concerns for me. Don’t forgot to contact me on this site and Discord. If you are new, check out this YouTube video (below) on what is going on. Thank you all for reding and I hope you enjoy the site. There will be more in the updates on blog posts, videos and many more content in the near. I am really happy about this move and my other web host didn’t have a builder with alot of plugins. Look foward into posting some create content for you all to watch and share.